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Historical Roots And Observance


Memorial Day: Honoring the Fallen

Historical Roots and Observance

Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday in the United States dedicated to honoring men and women who have died while serving in the nation's armed forces. Observed on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day remembers those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Unclear Origins

Despite the passage of nearly 160 years since the conclusion of the American Civil War, the true origins of Memorial Day remain uncertain. While there are various theories, no definitive account has emerged.

Significance and Remembrance

Unlike other holidays that celebrate joyous occasions, Memorial Day is a somber day of remembrance. It serves as a poignant reminder of the loss and sacrifice endured by those who have bravely served their country. Memorial Day ceremonies and observances are held across the United States, honoring the fallen and their families.

